European depth filtration association

Foundation: 1992 | Headquarters: Bad Kreuznach

Purpose of the association

Common interests

of our members as well as to contribute to the sustainable benefit of the users of depth filters through overarching activities

Rules, definition, specification

The determination of application-oriented rules, purity definitions and other specifications of depth filters with the aim of their integration into the relevant national and international recommendations, ordinances and laws


in matters where a joint approach is more effective and economical. For example the

  • Representation of common interests of the members towards authorities
  • legislative bodies in the national and international arena
  • especially in hearing procedures

Public Relation

The representation of the common interests of the members in public, with authorities and associations

  • The professional association is free to make its own decisions and is not bound by any instructions
  • The EFT is not allowed to operate economically and in no way interferes with the free competition between the suppliers of depth filters
  • The professional association does not pursue any political goals

Projects | Examples

  • Development of generally recognized examination methods
  • Implementation of REACH in the filtration industry
  • Declaration standards / labeling requirements
  • Investigations within the framework of the asbestos discussion
  • durability of filter media
  • Training documents on depth filtration for technical schools and universities


on the history, theory, production, characterization and application of depth filtration

The European Specialist Association for Depth Filtration (EFT) eV is supported by a scientific advisory board consisting of representatives from various international universities whose performance and skills are related to depth filtration.

In the spirit of the association’s purpose of “public relations” and “promotion of the use of depth filters”, the present presentation “Fundamentals of depth filtration” was created by the members of the EFT eV in cooperation with the scientific advisory board.

These documents may be reproduced and redistributed in part or in full for training purposes in paper and electronic form with appropriate reference to the source.

We would be pleased if these training documents were actively used and contributed to a deeper understanding and more efficient use of depth filtration.

Analysis regulations & statements

As part of its work, EFT has developed analytical methods that describe the purity definition and other specifications of the depth filter products. The analysis methods are an integral part of the relevant national and international recommendations and regulations.
The standardized analysis ensures a defined evaluation of the depth filter products and their quality control at all times.

The EFT issues statements on topics of particular relevance, which describe the clear positioning of the product and its application

Analysis methods

Disposal of Filter Sheets


Supply of Energy & Raw Materials


The attached statutes were revised in 2023 and adapted to the legal and personal circumstances. As part of the adjustment, the EFT established a scientific advisory board (extraordinary members), which advises the EFT on technical issues and assists in the implementation of projects and tasks.


Members of the EFT

Ordinary Members

Associate Members | Scientific Advisory Board